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One entry found.

Main Entry: acne vul·gar·is
Pronunciation: \-ˌvəl-ˈgar-əs, -ˈger-\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural acnae vul·gar·es \-ˈgar-ˌēz, -ˈger-\
: a chronic acne involving mainly the face, chest, and shoulders that is common in adolescent humans and various domestic animals and is characterized by the intermittent formation of discrete papular or pustular lesions often resulting in considerable scarring

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Pronunciation Key

\ schwa \ as a in abut
\ primary stressschwa secondary stressschwa \ as u in abut
\ schwa \ as e in kitten
\ schwar \ as ur/er in further
\ a \ as a in ash
\ schwa \ as a in ace
\ ä \ as o in mop
\ au dot \ as ou in out
\ b \ as in baby
\ ch \ as ch in chin
\ d \ as d in did
\ e \ as e in bet
\ primary stresse macron secondary stresse macron \ as ea in easy
\ e macron \ as y in easy
\ f \ as f in fifty
\ g \ as g in go
\ h \ as h in hat
\ i \ as i in hit
\ i macron \ as i in ice
\ j \ as j in job
\ k \ as k in kin
\ k underlined \ as ch in ich dien
\ l \ as l in lily
\ m \ as m in murmur
\ n \ as n in own
\ eng \ as ng in sing
\ o macron \ as o in go
\ o dot \ as aw in law
\ o doti \ as oy in boy
\ p \ as p in pepper
\ r \ as r in red
\ s \ as s in less>
\ sh \ as sh in shy
\ t \ as t in tie
\ th \ as th in thin
\ th \ as th in the
\ ü \ as oo in loot
\ u dot \ as oo in foot
\ v \ as v in vivid
\ w \ as w in away
\ y \ as y in yet
\ yü \ as you in youth
\ yu dot \ as u in curable
\ z \ as z in zone
\ zh \ as si in vision

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